         address = {Durham, UK},
           month = {June},
       publisher = {Duke University Press},
       booktitle = {Grammars of the Urban Ground},
          editor = {Ash Amin and Michele Lancione},
           pages = {180--198},
            note = {This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.},
            year = {2022},
           title = {Affirmative Vocabularies from and for the Street},
        abstract = {The contributors to Grammars of the Urban Ground develop a new conceptual framework and vocabulary for capturing the complex, ever-shifting, and interactive processes that shape contemporary cities. Building on Marxist, feminist, queer, and critical race theory as well as the ontological turn in urban studies, they propose a mode of analysis that resists the staple of siloed categories such as urban "economy," "society," and "politics." In addition to addressing key concepts of urban studies such as dispossession and scale, the contributors examine the infrastructures of plutocratic life in London, reconfigure notions of gentrification as a process of racial banishment, and seek out alternative archives for knowledge about urban density. They also present case studies of city life in the margins and peripheries of S{\~a}o Paulo, Kinshasa, Nairobi, and Jakarta. In so doing, they offer a foundation for better understanding the connective and aggregative forces of city-making and the entanglements and relations that constitute cities and their everyday politics.},
             url = {https://www.dukeupress.edu/grammars-of-the-urban-ground},
          author = {Pieterse, Edgar and Thieme, Tatiana}