           title = {Saturae Menippeae and Varro Menippeus},
         journal = {Paideia: rivista di filologia, ermeneutica e critica letteraria},
           pages = {175--201},
          volume = {77},
            year = {2022},
            note = {This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.},
        abstract = {We know less about the dates of Varro's Menippeans and the manner in which the early collection circulated than is usually supposed. A reinvestigation of these questions, and the satirical epithet Menippeus bestowed upon Varro in antiquity, not only suggests that the Menippean corpus belongs to a date much later than that agreed upon by the current scholarly consensus, but also enriches our reading of Varro's contemporaries. The famous programmatic poem of Horace, serm. 1,10 and its apparent snub of Varro is read in light of the newly proposed dates for the collection and previously overlooked epigraphic evidence for the early reception of the Menippeans.},
          author = {Marshall, Richard},
             url = {https://doi.org/10.1400/290598},
        keywords = {Varro, Menippean Satire, Horace, Republican Poetry, Publication and Circulaiton of Literature}