TI  - Happiness Education: International Use of Floating Signifiers in  Education Policy // ????: ??????? ????? ??? ?? ??
KW  - Happiness education 
KW  -  floating signifier 
KW  -  OECD 
KW  -  policy transfer and borrowing // ???? 
KW  -  ???? 
KW  -  OECD 
KW  -  ?? ?? ? ??
SP  - 177
UR  - http://doi.org/10.52183/kspe.2022.29.1.177
VL  - 29
N2  - Over the past decade, the concept of ?happiness? has been promoted by global agencies and national education authorities as a solution to the social problems of high teenager suicide rates, school bullying, and increasing socioeconomic polarization. This article considers ?HEP: Happiness Education Policy? in Korea, which was initiated by conservative Park Geun-hye administration (2013-2017) and partly succeeded by the subsequent progressive Moon Jae-in administration (2017-2022). The analysis reveals that the definitional ambiguity of happiness education has opened a space for multiple ascriptions of meanings, particularly those that are in line with the Park administration?s political and economic visions of ?creative economy?. It also demonstrates that policies introduced as part of the HEP, such as the Free Semester initiative, have continued to be promoted and even expanded by Moon administration (2017-2022) despite their replacement of the signifier ?happiness? by ?innovation? and ?future?. Therefore, this study suggests happiness education and, more lately, future education as good examples of ?floating signifiers?; that is, by lacking a clear referent, they minimize political objections and legitimate the introduction and continuation of contested reforms. // 

? ??? ?? ?? ? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????.
????? ?? OECD? ??? ??(humanitarian turn)? ???? 2012 ?? ????? ?? (PISA)? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? ???? ????? ?? ???. ???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????.
?? OECD??? ??? ? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ????? ???? ?? ? ???? ???? ? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??. ? ??? ????? ????? ? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ???, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??, ??, ??, ?? ? ??? ??? ?????. ??? ????? ?????, ??? , ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ? ??? ????? ????? ??. ? ??? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ??? ?? (floating signifier)? ???? ???, ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? (bipartisanship)? ?????? ???.
AV  - public
EP  - 199
JF  - Korea Society Of The Politics Of Education // ????????
N1  - This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher?s terms and conditions.
SN  - 1226-7856
ID  - discovery10147999
Y1  - 2022/03//
PB  - Korea Society Of The Politics Of Education
A1  - Kim, Min Ji
A1  - Choi, Sang-hoon
A1  - Park, Daekwon
IS  - 1
ER  -