%O This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions. %T Targeted and multidimensional approaches to overcome inequalities in secondary education for adolescent girls: The impact of the Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED)’s programme in Tanzania and Zimbabwe %P 573-812 %L discovery10139817 %I University of Chicago Press %D 2022 %J Comparative Education Review %N 4 %V 66 %A P Rose %A R Sabates %A M Delprato %A B Alcott %X In many low- and lower-middle-income countries, key barriers to girls’ secondary school access and learning include poverty, school inaccessibility, poor school quality, and lack of gender-sensitive practices in the classroom. The nongovernmental organization, Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED), provides a range of financial, pedagogical, and community-supported interventions aimed at removing these barriers in government secondary schools in Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Using longitudinal data, we adopt quasi-experimental methods to examine the impact of the CAMFED program on reducing secondary school dropout and improving test scores in English and mathematics. Results suggest that the CAMFED program has a significant effect on both improving access and learning for the most disadvantaged adolescent girls. However, low-performing learners remain particularly at risk of dropout, necessitating further consideration and support for these girls.