%T Reply: Functional cognitive disorder: dementia's blind spot. %N 9 %C England %D 2021 %P 73 %V 144 %O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions. %A HA Ball %A L McWhirter %A C Ballard %A R Bhome %A DJ Blackburn %A MJ Edwards %A NC Fox %A R Howard %A J Huntley %A JD Isaacs %A AJ Larner %A TR Nicholson %A CM Pennington %A N Poole %A G Price %A JP Price %A M Reuber %A C Ritchie %A MN Rossor %A JM Schott %A A Venneri %A J Stone %A AJ Carson %J Brain %L discovery10137043