           month = {July},
         journal = {Journal of Comparative Pathology},
           pages = {69--72},
            note = {This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.},
       publisher = {ELSEVIER SCI LTD},
          volume = {186},
            year = {2021},
           title = {Microcystic Cerebral Neoplasm in a Nilgai Antelope (Boselaphus tragocamelus): Putative Microcystic Meningioma},
        keywords = {artiodactyls, microcystic meningioma, neoplasia, Nilgai antelope},
          author = {Breuer, W and Brandner, S and Hafner-Marx, A},
             url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcpa.2021.05.007},
        abstract = {Tumours of the nervous system are rare in wild and captive mammals. In this report, we describe an intracranial, solid, space-occupying lesion originating from the meninges in a Nilgai antelope (Boselaphus tragocamelus). Histologically, the tumour had a conspicuous microcystic appearance with features similar to the histological subtype of microcystic meningioma described in humans. This is the first such tumour reported in this species.}