Roehrig, AE;    Klupsch, K;    Oses-Prieto, JA;    Chaib, S;    Henderson, S;    Emmett, W;    Young, LC;                                             ... Rodriguez-Viciana, P; + view all <#>        Roehrig, AE;  Klupsch, K;  Oses-Prieto, JA;  Chaib, S;  Henderson, S;  Emmett, W;  Young, LC;  Surinova, S;  Blees, A;  Pfeiffer, A;  Tijani, M;  Brunk, F;  Hartig, N;  Munoz-Alegre, M;  Hergovich, A;  Jennings, BH;  Burlingame, AL;  Rodriguez-Viciana, P;   - view fewer <#>    (2021)    Cell-cell adhesion regulates Merlin/NF2 interaction with the PAF complex.                   PLoS One , 16  (8)    , Article e0254697.  10.1371/journal.pone.0254697 <>.       Green open access