%0 Journal Article
%@ 1098-0121
%A Wu, W
%A McCollam, A
%A Grigera, SA
%A Perry, RS
%A Mackenzie, AP
%A Julian, SR
%D 2011
%F discovery:10134056
%J Physical Review B
%N 4
%T Quantum critical metamagnetism of Sr3Ru2O7 under hydrostatic pressure
%U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10134056/
%V 83
%X Using ac susceptibility, we have determined the pressure dependence of the metamagnetic critical endpoint  temperature T ∗ for a field applied in the ab plane in the itinerant metamagnet Sr3Ru2O7. We find that T ∗ falls  monotonically to zero as pressure increases, producing a quantum critical endpoint (QCEP) at Pc ∼ 13.6 ±  0.2 kbar. New features are observed near the QCEP—the slope of T ∗ versus pressure changes at ∼12.8 kbar, and  weak subsidiary maxima appear on either side of the main susceptibility peak at pressures near Pc—indicating  that some new physics comes into play near the QCEP. Clear signatures of a nematic phase, however, that were  seen in field-angle tuning of T ∗ are not observed. As T ∗ is suppressed by pressure, the metamagnetic peak in the  susceptibility remains sharp as a function of an applied magnetic field. As a function of temperature, however, the  peak becomes broad with only a very weak maximum, suggesting that, near the QCEP, the uniform magnetization  density is not the order parameter for the metamagnetic transition.
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