Boseggia, S;    Springell, R;    Walker, HC;    Ronnow, HM;    Rueegg, C;    Okabe, H;    Isobe, M;             ... McMorrow, DF; + view all <#>        Boseggia, S;  Springell, R;  Walker, HC;  Ronnow, HM;  Rueegg, C;  Okabe, H;  Isobe, M;  Perry, RS;  Collins, SP;  McMorrow, DF;   - view fewer <#>    (2013)    Robustness of Basal-Plane Antiferromagnetic Order and the J(eff)=1/2 State in Single-Layer Iridate Spin-Orbit Mott Insulators.                   Physical Review Letters , 110  (11)    , Article 117207.  10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.117207 <>.       Green open access