           title = {TransComputational Pavilion 1.0},
            year = {2013},
           month = {September},
       publisher = {Manuel Jimenez Garcia},
         address = {Madrid, Spain},
             url = {https://manueljimenezgarcia.com/},
        abstract = {MEMBRANE STRUCTURE + INTERACTIVE LIGHTING Design Team: Manuel Jim{\'e}nez Garc{\'i}a, Roberto Garc{\'i}a V{\'e}lez, Maria Olmos Z{\'u}nica, Antonio Guijarro, Juan Rodriguez Mart{\'i}n, Jose Luis E. Penelas Collaborators: Alejandro Mart{\'i}nez de Velasco, Maria Cristina Rodrigo Salazar , Aly Magdy Mohamed Fouad, Maci{\'a} Jorge Cerd{\'a} Ingl{\'e}s, Maria Olmeda Franco, Miguel Angel Jim{\'e}nez Garc{\'i}a, {\'A}lvaro L{\'o}pez Rodr{\'i}guez, Ignacio Viguera Ochoa, Jose Real Cambas, Jes{\'u}s Jordi Velasco Mancho, Vicente S{\'a}nchez Seoane, Luis Benito Alonso, Kawtar Sayegrih, Maria Andrea Diaz Usme, Ralph Gebara, Rojda Can, Jie Chen Sponsors: Act{\'i}u, Philips, COAM - LaSede, British Embassy Madrid, Volumaniac Project Description: The construction of the trans-computational pavilion took place during the AAVSMadrid 2013. The prototype aims to examine methods where computational techniques coupled with the use of flexible materials make possible the creation of affordable inhabitable spaces, making use of rapid deployment to facilitate spacial re-adaptation in response to social necessities in an incredible short time-frame. In a larger term it will establish the basic principles for a rapid reoccupation system, offering not only basic and temporal spaces but also permanent and fully equipped structures.},
          author = {Jimenez Garcia, M},
        keywords = {bending active, computational design}