         address = {London, UK},
           month = {April},
            year = {2013},
          number = {157},
          series = {ECRC Research Report},
       booktitle = {ECRC Research Report},
           title = {Assessment of salmon spawning gravel in the River Frome, Gloucestershire},
       publisher = {UCL Environmental Change Research Centre},
            issn = {1366-7300},
        abstract = {Three gravel freeze cores were extracted from each of three sites, identified as potentially
suitable for salmon (Salmo salar, L.) spawning, on the River Frome. A quantitative assessment
of the capacity of these gravel beds to support effective spawning was made based on the
composition of the sampled substrata. Examined sediment size ranges included: optimum
spawning gravel (16 {\ensuremath{>}} D {\ensuremath{>}} 64 mm), fine sediment (D {\ensuremath{<}}1 mm ), coarse sand (2 mm {\ensuremath{>}} D {$\ge$} 1 mm)
and clay (D {\ensuremath{<}} 4 um). A threshold limit of 14\% of sediment D {\ensuremath{<}}1 mm was used. Results
indicated that optimum spawning gravel occurred at all sites in varying amounts. The
distribution of these, however, were within the smaller size range suitable for spawning.
Moreover, significant deposits of sediment D {\ensuremath{<}}1 mm limit potential spawning quality at all
sites. The overall composition of substrata at Button Mill offers the best potential spawning
habitat of the identified sites.},
          author = {Mitchell, L},
             url = {https://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/research/research-centres/environmental-change-research-centre}