Ramaraju, S; Wang, Y; Sinha, N; McEvoy, AW; Miserocchi, A; de Tisi, J; Duncan, JS; ... Taylor, PN; + view all <#> Ramaraju, S; Wang, Y; Sinha, N; McEvoy, AW; Miserocchi, A; de Tisi, J; Duncan, JS; Rugg-Gunn, F; Taylor, PN; - view fewer <#> (2020) Removal of Interictal MEG-Derived Network Hubs Is Associated With Postoperative Seizure Freedom. Frontiers in Neurology , 11 , Article 563847. 10.3389/fneur.2020.563847 <https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2020.563847>. Green open access