%J Australasian Journal of Combinatorics %L discovery10112671 %X For a graph G, its rth power G is defined as the graph with the same vertex set as G, and an edge between any two vertices whenever they are within distance r of each other in G. Motivated by a result from additive number theory, Hegarty raised the question of how many new edges G has when G is a regular, connected graph with diameter at least r. We address this question for r ≠3, 6. We give a lower bound for the number of edges in the rth power of G in terms of the order of G and the minimal degree of G. As a corollary, for r ≠3, 6, we determine how small the ratio e(G )/e(G) can be for regular, connected graphs of diameter at least r. r r r %O This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions. %T Edge growth in graph powers %V 58 %A A Pokrovskiy %N 2 %P 347-357 %D 2014