Yau, WY; Vandrovcova, J; Sullivan, R; Chen, Z; Zecchinelli, A; Cilia, R; Stefano, D; ... Houlden, H; + view all <#> Yau, WY; Vandrovcova, J; Sullivan, R; Chen, Z; Zecchinelli, A; Cilia, R; Stefano, D; Murray, M; Carmona, S; Genomics England Research Consortium; Chelban, V; Ishiura, H; Tsuji, S; Jaunmuktane, Z; Turner, C; Wood, NW; Houlden, H; - view fewer <#> (2020) Low Prevalence of NOTCH2NLC GGC Repeat Expansion in White Patients With Movement Disorders. Movement Disorders 10.1002/mds.28302 <https://doi.org/10.1002/mds.28302>. (In press). Green open access