          number = {4},
           title = {Telecom Software, Network Virtualization, and Software Defined Networks},
            year = {2020},
          volume = {58},
           pages = {16--17},
         journal = {IEEE Communications Magazine},
           month = {April},
            note = {This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.},
        abstract = {By introducing rapid and innovative network functions, software-based networking and virtualization are fundamentally revamping how the communication infrastructures are designed, programmed and operated. Network slicing, mobile edge computing, new radio access networks, and programmable cloud-native services represent some of the key technical components of future network infrastructures, including 5G networks that started being commercialized in 2019. The third issue of the "Telecom Software, Network Virtualization, and Software Defined Networks" series features five papers that deal with critical aspects of future networks, such as the adoption of edge computing technologies for mobile networks; the use of network slicing for 5G access and mission-critical services; advanced techniques for virtualized network programmability; and automation of virtualized network security services.},
             url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.2020.9071983},
          author = {Cerroni, W and Galis, A and Shiomoto, K and Zhani, MF}