Westbrook, JI; Li, L; Raban, MZ; Woods, A; Koyama, AK; Baysari, MT; Day, RO; ... White, L; + view all <#> Westbrook, JI; Li, L; Raban, MZ; Woods, A; Koyama, AK; Baysari, MT; Day, RO; McCullagh, C; Prgomet, M; Mumford, V; Dalla-Pozza, L; Gazarian, M; Gates, PJ; Lichtner, V; Barclay, P; Gardo, A; Wiggins, M; White, L; - view fewer <#> (2020) Associations between double-checking and medication administration errors: a direct observational study of paediatric inpatients. BMJ Quality & Safety 10.1136/bmjqs-2020-011473 <https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2020-011473>. (In press). Green open access