N2  - This report presents the results from a study to estimate the benefits of removing market barriers in the shipping sector, including with the use of a transparent monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system. It has been commissioned by DG Climate Action in support of its work to assess potential revisions to the Regulation for the MRV of CO2 emissions from maritime transport (?the EU MRV Regulation?).
A1  - Rehmatulla, N
A1  - Raucci, C
PB  - European Union: European Commission DG Clima
Y1  - 2019/02//
CY  - Brussels, Belgium
ID  - discovery10102978
N1  - This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher?s terms and conditions.
EP  - 60
AV  - public
UR  - http://doi.org/10.2834/475782
TI  - A study to estimate the benefits of removing market barriers in the shipping sector
ER  -