%I Doing It Together Science (DITOs) %L discovery10094812 %X The ‘DITOs Self-Assessment Plan’ is Deliverable 6.4 (D6.4) from the coordination and support action (CSA), Doing It Together science (DITOs), grant agreement (GA) 709443. The plan ensures the quality of the project’s tasks and deliverables by defining the following procedures.  Thorough review of deliverables by peers, internal appraisers and external authorities (selected from the project advisory boards).  Regular monitoring and appraisal of event and engagement statistics and subsequent actions to be taken.  Satisfaction questionnaire evaluation in line with deliverable D5.1, ‘DITOs Evaluation Framework’.  Decision-making, issue resolution and implementation of project standards via management boards. Other issues such as field trials, data management, data protection and ethics are addressed in separate project deliverables (D5.1, D6.3, %C London, UK %O This work by Parties of the DITOs Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). %A DITOs Consortium %T D6.4 Self-Assessment Plan %D 2016