@inproceedings{discovery10094513, editor = {Y Kishino}, title = {The observation of soil microstructure under load}, year = {2001}, publisher = {CRC Press}, note = {This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.}, pages = {69--72}, journal = {POWDERS AND GRAINS 2001}, month = {January}, booktitle = {Powder and Grains 2001}, abstract = {This paper describes some new techniques of image analysis, which offer an insight into the micromechanical behaviour of granular media. These techniques have been developed to provide a grain-scale commentary on the highly non-linear macroscopic behaviour of soil under load. The techniques are illustrated by two example applications: an element test and a physical model. Digital photography provides both grainscale observations of sand particles under changing load and measurements of the resulting macroscopic strain. Image analysis is used to quantify changes in particle shape and fabric anisotropy. The resulting observations provide some explanations of the micromechanical origins of macroscopic properties.}, author = {Cheng, YP and White, DJ and Bowman, ET and Bolton, MD and Soga, K}, url = {https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781003077497-20/observation-soil-microstructure-load-cheng-white-bowman-bolton-soga?context=ubx&refId=0f3f3f59-cbbf-473e-aa87-ae1eb7d2280c}, keywords = {Science \& Technology, Technology, Engineering, Mechanical, Materials Science, Composites, Engineering, Materials Science, SAND}, isbn = {90-2651-826-9} }