%V 241 %D 2019 %T Stereoscopic Vision in Macular Telangiectasia Type 2 %N 3 %P 121-129 %X PURPOSE: To investigate stereoscopic vision in patients with macular telangiectasia type 2 and correlate a paracentral sensitivity loss to reduced stereoscopic function. METHODS: In a prospective single-center study, 50 patients with macular telangiectasia type 2 and 25 age-matched controls were investigated. Stereoscopic function was evaluated with Lang I, Titmus and TNO-test. Sensitivity of the central 16° was tested using fundus-controlled perimetry (microperimetry). Functional loss was quantified as depth, size and localization of scotomata. RESULTS: Both Titmus and TNO-test revealed significantly reduced stereoscopic vision in patients compared to controls (both, p<0.0001). This applied even to patients with only relative or monocular paracentral scotomata. A strong correlation was observed for reduced stereoscopic vision with horizontal scotoma size and with the distance of scotomata from the foveal center. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that stereoscopic vision is impaired early in patients with MacTel type 2. A paracentral sensitivity loss, even if mild and limited to one eye, may considerably interfere with stereoscopic function despite normal visual acuity. Projection of paracentral scotomata within the patient`s central visual field plays an important role in stereoscopic vision and should be considered when interpreting stereoscopic test results. %J Ophthalmologica %A S Mueller %A TFC Heeren %A J Nadal %A PC Issa %A P Herrmann %A FG Holz %A BK Wabbels %O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions. %I KARGER %L discovery10090983