%P 45-56 %D 2019 %T Peripheral arterial diseases of the lower limbs %A A Busuttil %A CS Lim %A J Tsui %V 13 %N 1 %X Peripheral arterial disease is a system wide disease process, usually manifesting itself in lower limb claudication or critical limb ischaemia. Great effort is made to reduce symptoms for claudication and prevent limb loss in patients with critical limb ischaemia. All patients have a higher cardiovascular risk profile, and risk factor modulation is key in reducing this and preventing early cardiovascular related mortality. %O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions. %I Rila Publications %K arterial disease,Atherosclerosis,cardiovascular disease,cardiovascular risk,claudication,ischaemia,lower limb. %J Clinical Focus Primary Care %L discovery10090193