%0 Journal Article
%A Klatte, K
%A Pauli-Magnus, C
%A Love, S
%A Sydes, M
%A Benkert, P
%A Bruni, N
%A Ewald, H
%A Arnaiz Jimenez, P
%A Bonde, MM
%A Briel, M
%D 2019
%F discovery:10088236
%I Wiley
%J Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
%N 11
%T Monitoring strategies for clinical intervention studies
%U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10088236/
%X This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Methodology). The objectives are as follows:    The main objective of this systematic review of prospective empirical studies is to evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of trial‐specific, risk‐based monitoring strategies compared with a traditional intensive on‐site monitoring strategy or other monitoring strategies for randomized and non‐randomized prospective intervention studies.
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