%X While it is commonly accepted that Learning Analytics (LA) tools can support teachers' awareness and classroom orchestration, not all forms of pedagogy are congruent to the types of data generated by digital technologies or the algorithms used to analyse them. One such pedagogy that has been so far underserved by LA is exploratory learning, exemplified by tools such as simulators, virtual labs, microworlds and some interactive educational games. This paper argues that the combination of intelligent analysis of interaction data from such an Exploratory Learning Environment (ELE) and the targeted design of visualisations has the benefit of supporting classroom orchestration and consequently enabling the adoption of this pedagogy to the classroom. We present a case study of LA in the context of an ELE supporting the learning of algebra. We focus on the formative qualitative evaluation of a suite of Teacher Assistance tools. We draw conclusions relating to the value of the tools to teachers and reflect with transferable lessons for future related work.
%O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions.
%J British Journal of Educational Technology
%A E Geraniou
%A M Mavrikis
%A S Gutierrez Santos
%A A Poulovassilis
%L discovery10079948
%I Wiley-Blackwell
%V 50
%T Intelligent Analysis and Data Visualisation for Teacher Assistance tools: the case of exploratory learning
%N 6
%D 2019
%P 2920-2942