Jones, S; Finnegan, K; Wee, JH; D'Argoeuves, P; Roalfe, L; Byrne, S; Heffernan, S; ... Goldblatt, D; + view all <#> Jones, S; Finnegan, K; Wee, JH; D'Argoeuves, P; Roalfe, L; Byrne, S; Heffernan, S; Hunt, A; Johnson, M; Jones, T; Pearce, E; Richardson, H; Thalasselis, V; Goldblatt, D; - view fewer <#> (2019) Assignment of Serotype-Specific IgG1, IgG2, and IgA Weight-Based Antibody Units to the Human Pneumococcal Standard Reference Serum, 007sp. mSphere , 4 (3) , Article e00400-19. 10.1128/mSphere.00400-19 <>. Green open access