Viecelli, AK; Polkinghorne, KR; Pascoe, EM; Paul-Brent, P-A; Hawley, CM; Badve, SV; Cass, A; ... Wheeler, DC; + view all <#> Viecelli, AK; Polkinghorne, KR; Pascoe, EM; Paul-Brent, P-A; Hawley, CM; Badve, SV; Cass, A; Hooi, L-S; Kerr, PG; Mori, TA; Ong, L-M; Voss, D; Johnson, DW; Irish, AB; Peh, CA; Beller, E; Dogra, S; Gracey, D; Haluszkiewicz, E; Hawley, C; Hutchison, C; Irish, A; Kerr, P; Mather, A; McDonald, S; McIntyre, C; Mori, T; Pascoe, E; Polkinghorne, K; Robertson, A; Rosman, J; Forbes, A; Levin, A; Wheeler, DC; - view fewer <#> (2019) Fish oil and aspirin effects on arteriovenous fistula function: Secondary outcomes of the randomised omega-3 fatty acids (Fish oils) and Aspirin in Vascular access OUtcomes in REnal Disease (FAVOURED) trial. PLOS ONE , 14 (3) , Article e0213274. 10.1371/journal.pone.0213274 <>. Green open access