%0 Generic %A Yangzhang, X %A Aref, V %A Le, ST %A Bülow, H %A Bayvel, P %C Rome, Italy %D 2018 %F discovery:10072170 %I IEEE %T 400 Gbps Dual-Polarisation Non-Linear Frequency-Division Multiplexed Transmission with B-Modulation %U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10072170/ %V 2018 %X We demonstrate, for the first time, a b-modulated dual-polarisation NFDM transmission in simulation, achieving a record net data rate of 400 Gbps (SE of 7.2 bit/s/Hz) over 960 km. The proposed scheme shows 1 dB Q-factor improvement over q c -modulation scheme. %Z This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions