%I European Respiratory Society %J European Respiratory Journal %L discovery10068926 %X The ERS respiratory physiotherapy curriculum sets a new standard for postgraduate respiratory physiotherapy education. It was developed to promote evidence-based practice and physical skills for the respiratory physiotherapist. %O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions. %T A guide for respiratory physiotherapy postgraduate education: presentation of the harmonised curriculum %A T Troosters %A N Tabin %A D Langer %A C Burtin %A M Chatwin %A E Clini %A M Emtner %A R Gosselink %A K Grant %A D Inal-Ince %A A Lewko %A E Main %A B Oberwaldner %A F Pitta %V 53 %N 6 %D 2019