Kivimäki, M; Vahtera, J; Tabák, AG; Halonen, JI; Vineis, P; Pentti, J; Pahkala, K; ... Raitakari, OT; + view all <#> Kivimäki, M; Vahtera, J; Tabák, AG; Halonen, JI; Vineis, P; Pentti, J; Pahkala, K; Rovio, S; Viikari, J; Kähönen, M; Juonala, M; Ferrie, JE; Stringhini, S; Raitakari, OT; - view fewer <#> (2018) Neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantage, risk factors, and diabetes from childhood to middle age in the Young Finns Study: a cohort study. The Lancet Public Health , 3 (8) e365-e373. 10.1016/S2468-2667(18)30111-7 <>. Green open access