%0 Book Section
%A Tsagris, M
%A Fragkos, K
%B Diagnostic Meta-Analysis: A Useful Tool for Clinical Decision-Making
%C Cham, Switzerland
%D 2018
%E Biondi-Zoccai, G
%F discovery:10053645
%I Springer
%K Mixed effects model, Bivariate model, Trial, Diagnostic accuracy, Meta-analysis
%P 31-40
%T Meta-Analyses of Clinical Trials Versus Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies
%U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10053645/
%X In the present chapter, we discuss meta-analysis of clinical trials and compare them with meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies. The former is based on the mixed effects model by DerSimonian and Laird (Control Clin Trials 7:177–188, 1986), and the latter is currently based on four main methods, with the most known bivariate model and the hierarchical summary receiver operator curve model. Each type of meta-analysis needs to be investigated for sources of heterogeneity. Specialist software exist to help each type of analysis.
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