@article{discovery10047732, publisher = {AMER CHEMICAL SOC}, month = {February}, volume = {30}, note = {This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.}, pages = {1353--1361}, journal = {Chemistry of Materials}, number = {4}, title = {Chemical Vapor Deposition of Photocatalytically Active Pure Brookite TiO2 Thin Films}, year = {2018}, issn = {1520-5002}, author = {Alotaibi, AM and Sathasivam, S and Williamson, BAD and Kafizas, A and Sotelo-Vazquez, C and Taylor, A and Scanlon, DO and Parkin, IP}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b04944}, abstract = {Brookite is the least investigated phase of TiO2 due to the synthetic difficulty of obtaining the pure phase. Here, we present the first ever chemical vapor deposition synthesis of pure brookite TiO2 thin films. The films were highly crystalline and phase pure as determined by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy studies. Scanning electron microscopy studies showed the films to have a structured morphology consisting of pyramidal features. The photocatalytic properties of the brookite film, tested using stearic acid under UVA (365 nm) irradiation, were superior to both an anatase film grown under similar conditions and NSG Activ glass. Transient absorption spectroscopy showed that the innate electron-hole recombination dynamics are similar in brookite and anatase, akin to previous reports. The superior activity of the brookite film is hence attributed to the higher surface area compared to anatase.} }