Lowther, K; Harding, R; Simms, V; Ahmed, A; Ali, Z; Gikaara, N; Sherr, L; ... Selman, LE; + view all <#> Lowther, K; Harding, R; Simms, V; Ahmed, A; Ali, Z; Gikaara, N; Sherr, L; Kariuki, H; Higginson, IJ; Selman, LE; - view fewer <#> (2018) Active ingredients of a person-centred intervention for people on HIV treatment: analysis of mixed methods trial data. BMC Infectious Diseases , 18 , Article 27. 10.1186/s12879-017-2900-0 <https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-017-2900-0>. Green open access