eprintid: 10038496 rev_number: 25 eprint_status: archive userid: 608 dir: disk0/10/03/84/96 datestamp: 2023-02-23 14:34:10 lastmod: 2023-02-23 14:34:10 status_changed: 2023-02-23 14:34:10 type: report metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Dawson, E creators_name: DeWitt, J title: Design-based research: A way to frame our collaborative process ispublished: pub divisions: UCL divisions: B16 divisions: B14 divisions: J80 divisions: B04 divisions: C06 divisions: F58 note: This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions. date: 2013 date_type: published publisher: UCL, King's College London and the Science Museum official_url: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ioe/departments-and-centres/departments/education-practice-and-society/stem-participation-social-justice-research/enterprising-science/publications-enterprising-science-project oa_status: green full_text_type: pub language: eng primo: open primo_central: open_green verified: verified_manual elements_id: 1511887 confidential: false lyricists_name: Dawson, Emily lyricists_name: DeWitt, Jennifer lyricists_id: EADAW98 lyricists_id: JEDEW06 actors_name: Dawson, Emily actors_id: EADAW98 actors_role: owner full_text_status: public series: Enterprising Science Research Briefs number: Paper 2 place_of_pub: London, UK pages: 8 book_title: Enterprising Science Research Briefs citation: Dawson, E; DeWitt, J; (2013) Design-based research: A way to frame our collaborative process. (Enterprising Science Research Briefs Paper 2 ). UCL, King's College London and the Science Museum: London, UK. Green open access document_url: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10038496/1/Dawson%20%26%20DeWitt_2013_Design-based_research_A_way_to_frame_our%20copy.pdf