@article{discovery10034977, month = {January}, volume = {35}, number = {4}, journal = {Analysis}, year = {2015}, title = {On the steady flow of reactive gaseous mixture}, note = {This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.}, pages = {319--341}, keywords = {Multicomponent flow; chemically reacting gas; steady compressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier system; weak solution}, url = {http://doi.org/10.1515/anly-2014-1306}, abstract = {We present the study of systems of equations governing a steady flow of polyatomic, heat-conducting reactive gas mixture. It is shown that the corresponding system of PDEs admits a weak solution and renormalized solution to the continuity equation, provided the adiabatic exponent for the mixture {\ensuremath{\gamma}} is greater than 5/3.}, author = {Giovangigli, V and Pokorn{\'y}, M and Zatorska, E}, issn = {2196-6753} }