%I Palgrave Macmillan %S Elite Education and Internationalisation. From the Early Years into Higher Education %L discovery10022737 %K Elite education, education, internationalisation of education. %X Finally, Claire Maxwell, in the concluding piece seeks to offer some new understandings about how internationalisation practices within education are altering our conceptions of what is elite. Drawing on the various contributions in the book, Maxwell highlights four critical juxtapositions in the interpretation and implementation of internationalisation across various education spaces. She then makes a case for taking a ‘glonacal’, multi-scalar approach to the study of this issue, and concludes by suggesting how geographer Thrift’s (2009) work on four spaces could be usefully brought to bear on the question of internationalisation and how claims to elite-ness within education are made, received and being re-articulated. %C Basingstoke, United Kingdom %O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions. %A Claire Maxwell %E C Maxwell %T Changing spaces – the re-shaping of (elite) education through internationalisation %B Elite Education and Internationalisation. From the Early Years into Higher Education %D 2017