%I Institute of Education, University of London
%A Mónica Pereira dos. Santos
%T Integration policies in a Brazilian south-eastern capital: formulation, implementation and some comparisons with four European countries.
%L discovery10021599
%K Brazil,Special educational needs,Integration (mainstreaming),Educational policy
%X The purpose of this study was to investigate the processes of formulation and
implementation of policies regarding the integration of disabled children in the
mainstream schools of a Brazilian South-eastern State Capital.
The investigation was carried out through a documentary analysis and through the
application of a questionnaire and an interview to 25 head teachers of the primary
State schools of VitOria. The intention was to identify gaps between what is mandated
by laws or suggested by other relevant documents and what is actually reported as
practice by the head teachers, and how integration was being interpreted and defined
at the school level in that Capital.
In doing so it was hoped that some of the problems in making integration policies
would be identified and practical suggestions for their solutions would be likely to be
The study also included a comparative part in which integration policies of four
European countries (Spain, Denmark, Holland and the U.K.) were analysed and
differences and similarities were highlighted in an attempt to further illustrate and
discuss some of the main issues of policy-making in and practice of integration which
at the time were being debated world-wide.
%D 1995