@phdthesis{discovery10019312, school = {Institute of Education, University of London}, note = {Some content has been redacted due to third party rights or other legal issues and is labelled as such in the document}, year = {1991}, title = {Teaching the teachers of teaching : tertiary teacher education in Papua New Guinea}, keywords = {Papua New Guinea,Inservice teacher education,Lecturers,Teacher development,Student attitudes,Teacher attitudes,English for specific purposes,Conceptualisation,Cultural environment}, url = {http://ethos.bl.uk/ProcessSearch.do?query=509924}, abstract = {This thesis is centred upon the development, implementation and evaluation of the Bachelor of Education (Tertiary) BEd T. program at the University of Papua New Guinea, which aims to promote quality teacher educators. The program has its in rationale cognitive development theory, research on approaches to learning and the literature concerning adult and teacher development in the Melanesian context. The theoretical position adopted is that teacher development is a form of adult development and the promotion of quality teacher educators, a function of higher stages of development. Consequently, the intervention curriculum had two major expectations: to improve the level of cognitive development; to improve the quality of potential teacher educators. The following evolved as research questions. ? What factors influence the learning of Papua New Guinea teachers undertaking higher education? ? Does the experience of the special curriculum promote greater cognitive development than increased general education at the University? ? What is the perceived impact of the BEd T. students in the teachers' colleges? ? What are the contextual factors that influence college lecturers' teaching and students' learning? No one research methodology was considered appropriate to address these research questions because the theoretical position required a combination of qualitative and quantitative data. The methodology adopted was multi - disciplinary in scope and used structures from the following perspectives: ethnographic; illuminative evaluation; case study; quasi experimental. The research concluded that: The biggest single factor that influenced teachers' learning at university is their own misconceived expectations of learning compared with university expectations. This is exaccrbated by learning through English as a second language, where the main problem is the lack of conceptual equivalence between western and Melanesian epistcmologies. It was also found that the intervention curriculum did promote significantly greater cognitive development in the BEd T. students, as measured by the Student Process Questionnaire who in turn were perceived to be making a strong positive impact in the teachers' colleges. However the fullness of impact appears to be potentially muted by the mechanistic curriculum operating in the colleges, as well as by the conservative bureaucratic administrative practices of Government agencies.}, author = {McLaughlin, Glenn Denis} }