init: deps-jar: compile-single: run-single: --------------------------------------------------- DATA TRANSFORMATION --------------------------------------------------- Create build data view... Execute column format transformation... --------------------------------------------------- BUILD MODEL --------------------------------------------------- arBuildTask_jdm is started, please wait. arBuildTask_jdm is successful. BuildSettings Details from the arSettings_jdm table: Table : arSettings_jdm SETTING_NAME SETTING_VALUE ALGO_NAME ALGO_APRIORI_ASSOCIATION_RULES ASSO_MAX_RULE_LENGTH 20 ASSO_MIN_CONFIDENCE 0.1 ASSO_MIN_SUPPORT 0.1 JDMS_FUNCTION_TYPE ASSOCIATION BuildSettings Details from the arSettings_jdm model build settings object: Algorithm Name: aprioriAssociationRules Function Name: association Max Number of Rules: 20 Min Confidence: 10 Min Support: 10 Model Name: ARMODEL_JDM ---------------------------------------------------------------- DISPLAY CLASSIFICATION RULES ---------------------------------------------------------------- Rule 601: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=11.8503, confidence=50) Rule 221: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=11.8503, confidence=49.5652) Rule 126: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=11.8503, confidence=49.5652) Rule 1336: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Attractions= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=49.4949) Rule 2009: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Attractions= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=49.4949) Rule 475: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Attractions= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=49.4949) Rule 2079: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Attractions= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=49.4949) Rule 1612: Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=11.8503, confidence=48.7179) Rule 1352: Attractions= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=48.5149) Rule 2029: Attractions= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=48.5149) Rule 1041: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Attractions= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=47.1154) Rule 1296: Attractions= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=47.1154) Rule 281: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Attractions= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=47.1154) Rule 1716: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Attractions= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=47.1154) Rule 1660: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Attractions= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=47.1154) Rule 1784: Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=11.2266, confidence=46.5517) Rule 1952: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.474, confidence=46.5116) Rule 391: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.2661, confidence=46.4567) Rule 867: Attractions= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=46.2264) Rule 1053: Attractions= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=46.2264) Rule 1676: Attractions= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=46.2264) Rule 1197: Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=11.2266, confidence=46.1538) Rule 1872: Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.2661, confidence=46.0938) Rule 1920: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.8108, confidence=46.0177) Rule 351: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.8108, confidence=46.0177) Rule 1263: Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.474, confidence=45.8015) Rule 1928: Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.5357) Rule 196: Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.5357) Rule 416: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.5357) Rule 361: Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.5357) Rule 186: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.5357) Rule 559: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.5357) Rule 571: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.5357) Rule 667: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.5357) Rule 708: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.5357) Rule 631: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.5357) Rule 1536: Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.1327) Rule 31: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.6029, confidence=45.1327) Rule 1620: Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.2661, confidence=45.0382) Rule 613: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.2661, confidence=45.0382) Rule 231: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.2661, confidence=45.0382) Rule 136: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.2661, confidence=45.0382) Rule 1011: Attractions= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=44.9541) Rule 1269: Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.2661, confidence=44.697) Rule 1960: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.2661, confidence=44.697) Rule 401: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.2661, confidence=44.697) Rule 1880: Commercial Services= NEAR Retail= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.2661, confidence=44.697) Rule 757: Attractions= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=10.1871, confidence=43.75) Rule 1111: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=32.8482, confidence=40.2036) Rule 111: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.632, confidence=40.201) Rule 1830: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=20.1663, confidence=40.0826) Rule 1600: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.632, confidence=40) Rule 6: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.474, confidence=40) Rule 553: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.474, confidence=40) Rule 1468: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.632, confidence=39.801) Rule 1117: Commercial Services= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=20.1663, confidence=39.7541) Rule 1232: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=20.1663, confidence=39.7541) Rule 1516: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.474, confidence=39.7351) Rule 181: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.474, confidence=39.7351) Rule 26: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.474, confidence=39.7351) Rule 1384: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.474, confidence=39.4737) Rule 987: Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.632, confidence=39.4089) Rule 1421: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=26.1954, confidence=39.375) Rule 820: Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=20.1663, confidence=39.2713) Rule 816: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=33.264, confidence=39.2157) Rule 1532: Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.474, confidence=39.2157) Rule 1077: Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.7214, confidence=39.0533) Rule 921: Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=12.474, confidence=38.961) Rule 1254: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=19.7505, confidence=38.9344) Rule 882: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=26.8191, confidence=38.8554) Rule 1860: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=19.5426, confidence=38.843) Rule 1764: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.3056, confidence=38.7879) Rule 952: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=26.1954, confidence=38.7692) Rule 379: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.1871, confidence=38.5827) Rule 1182: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.3056, confidence=38.5542) Rule 1146: Commercial Services= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=19.5426, confidence=38.5246) Rule 839: Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=19.7505, confidence=38.4615) Rule 346: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.0977, confidence=38.4146) Rule 793: Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.7214, confidence=38.3721) Rule 1149: Commercial Services= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=23.9085, confidence=38.3333) Rule 1838: Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.1871, confidence=38.2812) Rule 1780: Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.0977, confidence=38.1818) Rule 1916: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.0977, confidence=38.1818) Rule 841: Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=23.9085, confidence=38.0795) Rule 1826: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=20.1663, confidence=38.0392) Rule 1943: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.1871, confidence=37.9845) Rule 328: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=12.8898, confidence=37.8049) Rule 731: Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=27.027, confidence=37.7907) Rule 1194: Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.0977, confidence=37.7246) Rule 1745: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=12.8898, confidence=37.5758) Rule 1902: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=12.8898, confidence=37.5758) Rule 1749: Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=12.8898, confidence=37.5758) Rule 1238: Open Space= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.1871, confidence=37.4046) Rule 73: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=17.2557, confidence=37.3874) Rule 1168: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=12.8898, confidence=37.3494) Rule 78: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=15.3846, confidence=37.1859) Rule 1114: Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=20.9979, confidence=37.1324) Rule 1171: Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=12.8898, confidence=37.1257) Rule 1574: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=15.3846, confidence=37) Rule 1425: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=17.8794, confidence=36.9099) Rule 1429: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=15.3846, confidence=36.8159) Rule 1235: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=19.1268, confidence=36.8) Rule 1834: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=19.1268, confidence=36.8) Rule 1062: Commercial Services= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=12.8898, confidence=36.6864) Rule 1229: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=20.5821, confidence=36.6667) Rule 1947: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=13.9293, confidence=36.612) Rule 384: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=13.9293, confidence=36.612) Rule 1578: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=17.8794, confidence=36.5957) Rule 83: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=17.8794, confidence=36.5957) Rule 1570: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=17.2557, confidence=36.5639) Rule 226: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.5135, confidence=36.5169) Rule 607: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.5135, confidence=36.5169) Rule 958: Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=15.3846, confidence=36.4532) Rule 798: Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=22.0374, confidence=36.0544) Rule 783: Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=12.8898, confidence=36.0465) Rule 1433: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=17.8794, confidence=35.9833) Rule 961: Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=17.8794, confidence=35.8333) Rule 1842: Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=13.9293, confidence=35.8289) Rule 131: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.5135, confidence=35.7143) Rule 1241: Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=13.9293, confidence=35.6383) Rule 767: Commercial Services= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=33.8877, confidence=35.5895) Rule 1616: Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.5135, confidence=35.5191) Rule 396: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.5135, confidence=35.5191) Rule 1956: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.5135, confidence=35.5191) Rule 955: Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=18.0873, confidence=35.5102) Rule 214: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=13.0977, confidence=35.3933) Rule 592: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=13.0977, confidence=35.3933) Rule 818: Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=21.6216, confidence=35.3741) Rule 1876: Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.5135, confidence=34.7594) Rule 101: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.0083, confidence=34.6847) Rule 2115: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.8108, confidence=34.6667) Rule 531: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.8108, confidence=34.6667) Rule 88: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=13.0977, confidence=34.6154) Rule 1266: Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=13.5135, confidence=34.5745) Rule 1497: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.8108, confidence=34.4371) Rule 163: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.8108, confidence=34.4371) Rule 2120: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.8108, confidence=34.4371) Rule 1582: Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=13.0977, confidence=34.4262) Rule 1257: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=17.8794, confidence=34.4) Rule 1864: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=17.8794, confidence=34.4) Rule 777: Commercial Services= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=32.6403, confidence=34.2795) Rule 1364: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.8108, confidence=34.2105) Rule 1501: Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.8108, confidence=33.9869) Rule 1592: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.0083, confidence=33.9207) Rule 906: Education and Health= NEAR Manufacturing and Production= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=10.8108, confidence=33.7662) Rule 1202: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=18.711, confidence=33.3333) Rule 1604: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.2162, confidence=33.1915) Rule 116: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.2162, confidence=33.1915) Rule 928: Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=16.8399, confidence=33.0612) Rule 1460: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.0083, confidence=33.0472) Rule 1472: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.2162, confidence=32.636) Rule 725: Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=23.2848, confidence=32.5581) Rule 990: Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.2162, confidence=32.5) Rule 1084: Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=18.2952, confidence=32.3529) Rule 1448: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=21.2058, confidence=31.875) Rule 1131: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=25.9875, confidence=31.8066) Rule 934: Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=15.8004, confidence=31.6667) Rule 802: Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=19.7505, confidence=31.457) Rule 981: Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.0083, confidence=31.4286) Rule 972: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=21.2058, confidence=31.3846) Rule 1397: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=15.5925, confidence=31.3808) Rule 1852: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.632, confidence=31.3725) Rule 1090: Commercial Services= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=19.3347, confidence=31) Rule 829: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=26.1954, confidence=30.8824) Rule 897: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=21.2058, confidence=30.7229) Rule 1120: Commercial Services= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=19.1268, confidence=30.6667) Rule 1790: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=16.2162, confidence=30.5882) Rule 1140: Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=17.2557, confidence=30.5147) Rule 822: Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 2 (support=19.1268, confidence=30.4636) Rule 873: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=20.9979, confidence=30.4217) Rule 1546: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=14.7609, confidence=30.2128) Rule 43: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=14.7609, confidence=30.2128) Rule 761: Commercial Services= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=28.6902, confidence=30.131) Rule 1550: Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=11.4345, confidence=30.0546) Rule 1393: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=14.553, confidence=30.0429) Rule 1248: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=16.8399, confidence=30) Rule 796: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=25.3638, confidence=29.902) Rule 925: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=20.1663, confidence=29.8462) Rule 1211: Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=11.6424, confidence=29.7872) Rule 48: Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=11.2266, confidence=29.6703) Rule 741: Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=21.2058, confidence=29.6512) Rule 1542: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=13.9293, confidence=29.5154) Rule 1802: Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=11.4345, confidence=29.4118) Rule 1208: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=14.9688, confidence=28.8) Rule 1798: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=14.9688, confidence=28.8) Rule 1389: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=19.1268, confidence=28.75) Rule 835: Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 1 (support=17.4636, confidence=28.5714) Rule 204: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=10.395, confidence=28.0899) Rule 580: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=10.395, confidence=28.0899) Rule 1081: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=22.869, confidence=27.9898) Rule 38: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Education and Health= NEAR Open Space= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=12.8898, confidence=27.9279) Rule 1935: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=10.6029, confidence=27.8689) Rule 369: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Open Space= NEAR Transport= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=10.6029, confidence=27.8689) Rule 931: Education and Health= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=10.1871, confidence=24.1379) Rule 800: Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=11.4345, confidence=22.2672) Rule 1087: Commercial Services= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=11.0187, confidence=21.7213) Rule 1205: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=10.8108, confidence=21.3115) Rule 1794: Accomodation, Eating and Drink= NEAR Commercial Services= NEAR Retail= NEAR ==> PRICE_RANGE= 3 (support=10.6029, confidence=21.0744) BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 7 minutes 35 seconds)