Survey on material used to fill wooden objects "The purpose of this survey was to find out what range of materials conservators were using to fill wood, and to assess how popular hydroxypropyl cellulose and paper pulp were in regards to this. " "The survey was designed to be very short in length, to encourage respondents to fill it in as fully as possible. As such it contained only four content questions, plus an identification question, which was not highly specific. " "The survey was sent to a large number of conservators in April 2012 via the ConsDistList, an international list maintained by the American Institute for Conservation" Abbreviations used: B72 - Paraloid B72 (an acrylic resin) HPC - Hydroxypropyl cellulose (e.g. Klucel G) PVA - Polyvinyl alcohol Introductory statement used at beginning of survey: Many thanks for taking the time to fill in this survey. "I am studying for the MSc in Conservation for Archaeology and Museums at UCL, and am currently an intern at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England. " "The results will be used to inform my dissertation on gap fills used for wooden objects, in which I became interested through treating ancient Egyptian coffins." Please note that this survey is concerned with small gap fills in WOODEN archaeological and art historical objects "There are only four questions, plus space for comments at the end." The questions asked were: 1. What materials have you or your colleagues / institution used for gap-filling wooden objects in the past year? [If any] Open text 2. Which of the following materials would you consider using to gap fill wooden objects? "Respondents were provided with a tick list, they could tick as many materials as they wished." "There was also an open comments section provided, which was optional" 3. Which of the following materials would you NOT consider using to gap fill wooden objects? "Respondents were provided with a tick list, they could tick as many materials as they wished. The same materials were listed as in Q2" "There was also an open comments section provided, which was optional" 4. What properties do you consider to be important when deciding on materials for gap filling wooden objects? "Respondents were provided with a tick list, they could tick as many properties as they wished." "There was also an open comments section provided, which was optional" Identification question Please indicate at what level you practice conservation "First a summary is given, then the data for the questions." Charts for questiond 2-4 are shown at the end