The supplementary materials are a part of the ACM Computing Surveys publication: title - Human Movement Datasets: An Interdisciplinary Scoping Review authors - Temitayo Olugbade, Marta Bieńkiewicz, Giulia Barbareschi, Vincenzo D'Amato, Luca Oneto, Antonio Camurri, Catherine Holloway, Mårten Björkman, Peter Keller, Martin Clayton, Amanda Williams, Nicolas Gold, Cristina Becchio, Benoît Bardy, Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze. Any use of the supplementary material should cite this publication. The supplementary materials consist of 2 documents: 1. The main supplementary document - A catalogue of 704 open human movement datasets In this document, the 704 datasets are described under 10 columns each representing a variable (see below for an overview of these variables) with 3 additional columns for serial numbering, year of publication, and title(s) of publication(s). Please see the publication cited above for the motivation for this table, the methods used to create it, the scope of the work, analyses of the full collection, and a critical discussion of factors that need to be considered in creating new datasets. Please also see the main publication for our disclaimer of liability. Column 1 S/No Serial numbering used during charting in the format X-# where # is a number and X is either P (to indicate that the dataset was found directly from our systematic search), S (to indicate that the dataset was discovered in secondary reference by a publication found in our systematic search), and O (to indicate that the dataset was not found through our systematic search, but was noted, e.g. from prior knowledge). This column was created merely for internal administrative purposes. Column 2 Dataset & Reference First Author This specifies the name(s) of the dataset where known; otherwise the name of the primary reference publication describing the dataset is given in lieu of this. Where the dataset has been referred to using different names, we note all its aliases known to us. The first author (and second author where there are only two authors) of the reference publication that describes the dataset is given where known. Please note that we note a few datasets by their multiple subsets each with different names and/or reference. Column 3 Year The year of publication of the dataset where known. This is usually the year of the publication reference for the dataset. There may be multiple years for datasets that were expanded in later years. Column 4 Purpose of Creation This indicates the purpose of creation of the dataset. Coding of purpose was done directly during charting. We started with a set of codes based on our findings from the first level of shortlisting in our systematic search, and new codes were added when existing did not cover a dataset or when a new subtheme emerged by prevalence. For secondary datasets and other datasets where the creation is not available or cannot be deduced from the reference publication if applicable, we note the purpose as 'unknown'. Column 5 Captured Data Type (Number of: sequences [duration of each in seconds (s)]; subjects) This describes the type of movement data in the dataset and where clear it includes the number of instances, the duration of each instance in seconds, and the number of data subjects. We also note non-movement data available in the dataset. Where it is not clear what data types are available, we note this variable as 'Unspecified'. Column 6 Label Type - Unique amount (additional) Here, we note the types of annotation in the dataset (includes the number of categories for each annotation where clear, e.g. the number of activities). Where it is not clear what annotations are available, we note this variable as 'Unspecified'. Column 7 Source: Data | Labels This describes how the data was captured and includes information about the context of capture where clear and concise. We also include the method used to obtain the annotations listed in the previous column. Note that 'pre-labelled' is used to refer to annotations that were specified prior to capture of the movement data, e.g. where data subjects are performing several activity types on instruction. Column 8 Population Type This specifies the population group covered by the dataset. 'General' is used to refer to the general population. Where it is not clear what the population types are, we note this variable as 'Unspecified'. Column 9 Context: Individual /Dyad /Group/Crowd/Surveillance/Driving This refers to the social context in which the data was collected, usually noted as 'individual', 'dyad', 'group', 'surveillance', 'driving' as appropriate. The 'driving' context is used for cases where the dataset was captured from a moving car in traffic. Where it is not clear what contexts data was captured in, we note this variable as 'Unspecified'. Column 10 Data Access This is the URL for accessing the dataset. URLs that were obsolete or repurposed at the time of charting are noted as such, but kindly note we have no way of ascertaining the status of the URLs at the time of your use of this document. Column 11 Kinematic Data Sensor Where the dataset contains kinematic data captured using a motion capture sensor, we note here the type of sensor; otherwise, we have 'NA' for 'not applicable'. Only for the Microsoft Kinect sensor we do note the brand name. Where it is not clear what motion capture sensors were used, we note this variable as 'Unspecified'. Column 12 Funding The funders included in the reference publication. Where funders were not included, we specify 'not included in publication'. Column 13 Reference title The title of the associated reference for the dataset. This is usually the title of the primary publication that describe the dataset. Where a publication reference is not available, we use the name of the dataset webpage. For datasets with multiple subsets which have different references, the list of reference titles is preceded by 'Multiple:' and the semicolon is used to separate titles. 2. The secondary supplementary document - An abridgement of the main catalogue of 704 open human movement datasets Here, the 704 dataset are simply listed by their references, with a table that shows the distribution of the datasets across year periods.