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Shfaqja e antropologjisë heroike në historinë e ideve

Doja, A.; (2008) Shfaqja e antropologjisë heroike në historinë e ideve. Polis , 7 pp. 131-148. Green open access

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Në këtë artikull shtjellohet kontributi i Claude Lévi-Strauss-it në antropologji. Lévi-Strauss-i e shndërroi antropologjinë në një projekt shkencor me një vlerë shumë më të sofi stikuar intelektuale për të kuptuar njerëzimin sesa ç’mendohet apo sesa ka arritur më parë kjo fushë. Kontributi i tij përfaqëson rithithjen e kësaj fushe në qendrën e ideve perëndimore, përderisa ai e riformuloi antropologjinë si një projekt intelektual, një profesion të intelektualëve të kohës, në vend të një profi li të specializuar me gjuhën, të dhënat, metodat, teknikat, dhe teoritë e tij të ralla. Sipas Ciff ord Geertz-it, asnjë antropolog nuk ka qenë më insistues sesa Lévi-Strauss-i në faktin se “praktika e profesionit të tij përbëhet nga një kërkim personal i drejtuar, nga një vizion personal dhe që synon shëlbimin personal.”3 Në formën e mitit standard profetik të një kërkimi heroik me antropologun si hero, sipas Richard Shweder-it, Lévi-Strauss-i e shndërroi ekspeditën e tij në brendësinë e virgjër të Amazonës në një kërkim vizioni dhe e shndërroi antropologjinë në një mision shpirtëror për të mbrojtur njerëzimin kundër vetvetes. / Abstract in English: This article develops Claude Lévi-Strauss’s contribution to anthropology. Lévi-Strauss transformed anthropology into a scientific project far more sophisticated than it had been deemed possible and than what the discipline had achieved before. His contribution represents the re-inclusion of this field into the core of western ideas since he managed, through his language, data, methods, techniques and rare theories, to reformulate anthropology as an intellectual project, as a profession of the intellectuals of the time, instead of simply being a specialized profile. According to Clifford Geertz, no anthropologist has insisted more than Lévi-Strauss that “the practise of his profession consists of a personal quest, directed by a personal vision that aims personal salvation.” In the form of standard prophetic myth of a heroic research with the anthropologist as its hero, according to Richard Shweder, Lévi-Strauss transformed his expedition in the virgin interior of the Amazon River into a search for a vision and turned anthropology into a spiritual mission to defend humankind against itself. Lévi-Strauss's structural anthropology came as a reaction against the predominantly phenomenological bias of French philosophy in the post-war years as well as against the old humanism of existentialism which seemed parochial both in its confinement to a specific tradition of western philosophy and in its lack of interest in scientific approach. Nevertheless, the paradigm of structural anthropology cannot be equated with the field of structuralism, which became a very contestable form of intellectual fashion. The reception of Lévi-Strauss's theory in the English-speaking world carried on both the same enthusiasm and the same distortions and simplifications, to the extent that in the course of anti-structural criticism, the main thrust of the epistemological approach of Lévi-Strauss seems to have been lost, to the collective detriment of social sciences and anthropology.

Type: Article
Title: Shfaqja e antropologjisë heroike në historinë e ideve
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
Publisher version: http://revistapolis.com/
Language: Albanian
Additional information: Please see http://eprints.ucl.ac.uk/16561/ for the English language version 'The advent of heroic anthropology in the history of ideas' published in the Journal of the History of Ideas
UCL classification: UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL SLASH > Faculty of S&HS > Dept of Anthropology
URI: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/19003
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