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Stiffness-based modelling of a hydraulically-actuated soft robotics manipulator

Lindenroth, L; Back, J; Schoisengeier, A; Noh, Y; Würdemann, H; Althoefer, K; Liu, H; (2016) Stiffness-based modelling of a hydraulically-actuated soft robotics manipulator. In: Proceedings of 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). (pp. pp. 2458-2463). IEEE: Daejeon, Korea. Green open access

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This work investigates the applicability of stiffness-based modelling in soft robotics manipulation. The methodology is introduced and applied to model a soft robotics manipulator as single 3d Timoshenko beam element. The model is then utilized to solve the forward kinematics problem for the manipulator. The algorithm is validated comparing the simulated deflection with the deflection of the physical manipulator for two defined pressure sequences. It is shown that the model behaves in a highly similar fashion in comparison to the manipulator. For both trajectories the maximum position error is close to 6 mm while the error in orientation not more than 18°. The methodology as described in this work reveals great applicability to the field of soft robots being limited only by the stiffness matrix assembly for the given system. Implementations of inverse kinematics and the effects of external force applications are effectively integrable in the described theory.

Type: Proceedings paper
Title: Stiffness-based modelling of a hydraulically-actuated soft robotics manipulator
Event: 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
ISBN-13: 9781509037629
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759383
Publisher version: https://doi.org/10.1109/IROS.2016.7759383
Language: English
Additional information: Copyright © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
Keywords: Manipulators, Soft robotics, Kinematics, Mathematical model, Force, Computational modeling
UCL classification: UCL
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL BEAMS
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL BEAMS > Faculty of Engineering Science
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL BEAMS > Faculty of Engineering Science > Dept of Mechanical Engineering
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL BEAMS > Faculty of Engineering Science > Dept of Med Phys and Biomedical Eng
URI: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1518014
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