Field Heading,Field Type,Description,Relationships PhaseCode,VARCHAR (100),Unique Phase identification code,"ABotPhases.PhaseCode, CommonPhases.PhaseCode" TaxonCode,VARCHAR (100),Unique code to identify the full taxonomic name; this usually consists of the first four letters of the genus and first three letters of the species,ABotTaxaList.TaxonCode PlantPart,VARCHAR (100),"Description of plant parts identified, e.g., achene, cereal ear, awn, cotyledon, culm, rachis, glume base, spikelet fork, seed/grain, storage organ, etc.",n/a TypeOfPreservation,"ENUM ('charring','charring (+some uncharred)','charring and daub impression','charring and mineralization','charring and mudbrick impression','charring and pis_ impression','charring and plaster impression','charring and pottery impression','charring and pottery/daub impression','charring and pottery/plaster impression','charring and silicification','charring and waterlogging','charring and/or silicification','charring and/or waterlogging','clay impression','daub impression','desiccation','mineralization','mudbrick impression','pis_ impression','plaster impression','pottery impression','pottery/daub impression','pottery/plaster impression','silicification','silicification and mudbrick impression','uncharred','unknown','waterlogging')","Description of type of preservation, e.g., charring, waterlogging, mineralisation, impressions, etc. ",n/a LevelOfIdentification,"ENUM ('1','2','3','4','5')","Level of identification on a scale of 1-4 (e.g, 1: species; 2: cf. species; 3: genus; 4: family or type) ",n/a NumberPerPhase,INT (11),Number of taxon records per phase/cultural unit,n/a Ubiquity,INT (11),"Ubiquity or percentage presence (e.g., the number of samples in which a taxon is present as a percentage of the total number of samples per phase/cultural unit)",n/a PresenceOnly,"ENUM ('0','1')",Binary distinction between taxa for which there are presence data only (1) and those for which there are quantitative data (0),n/a PossibleContaminationSummary,"ENUM ('0','1')",Binary distinction between taxa that are contaminants in samples (1) and those that are not (0),n/a