Table 1. Interventions Extending Mean and/or Maximal Lifespan in Wild-Type Mice Fed Normal Chow ,Max Lifespan,Mean Lifespan,Main Mechanism of Action Dietary Interventions Calorie restriction,yes,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways Intermittent fasting,yes,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways Protein restriction,no,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways Methionine restriction,yes,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways Tryptophan restriction,yes,yes,↓ nutrient -sensing pathways Physical Exercise Interventions Endurance exercise,no,yes,↑ insulin sensitivity; ↑ AMPK ? Genetic Interventions Ames and Snell dwarf,yes,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways GH receptor KO,yes,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways IGF-1 R KO,yes (in F),yes (in F),↓ nutrient-sensing pathways Klotho TG,yes (in M),yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways Fat Insulin Receptor KO,yes,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways Insulin Receptor Substrate 1 KO,yes (only F),yes (only F),↓ nutrient-sensing pathways Brain IRS-2 KO,yes,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways PAPP-A KO,yes,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways Ribosomal S6 protein kinase-1 KO,yes (only F),yes (only F),↓ nutrient-sensing pathways FGF-21TG,yes,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways miR-17TG,?,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways DGAT1KO,yes (only F),yes (only F),↓ nutrient-sensing pathways p66shc KO,yes,yes,↓ growth factor-mediated signaling ATG5 TG,yes,yes,↑ autophagy Type 5 Adenylyl Cyclase KO,yes,yes,↓ β-adrenergic signaling Angiotensin II type 1 receptor KO,yes,yes,↓ angiotensin receptor signaling Catalase targeted to mitochondria TG,yes,yes,↓ oxidative stress (mitochondrial) Ink4/Arf-TG/TG,no,yes,↓ mitogenic over-stimulation and cell proliferation C/EBP β/β,yes,yes,↑ mitochondrial biogenesis in white fat cells Mclk1KO,yes,yes,↓ age-dependent loss of mitochondrial function Hcrt-UCP2 TG,no,yes,?; ↓ core body temperature Macrophage migration inhibitory factor KO,yes,yes,↓ inflammation; ↓ insulin pathway E-DNIκB TG,?,yes,↓ inflammation; ↓ insulin pathway PKA RIIβ KO,yes,yes,↓ IGF signaling? RasGRF1 KO,yes,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways Sirt6 TG,yes (only M),yes (only M),↓ nutrient-sensing pathways (IGF) Brain-specific Sirt1 TG,yes (only F),yes,↑ mitochondrial function via Sirt1/Nkx2-1/Ox2r TRPV1 pain receptor KO,yes (only F),yes,modulation of CRTC1/CREB activity Pharmacological Interventions Rapamycin,yes,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways (mTOR) Acarbose,yes,yes,↓ IGF signaling and ↑ FGF-21 Metformin,no,yes,↓ nutrient-sensing pathways (AMPK) Aspirin,no,yes (only M),↓ inflammation Nordihydroguaiaretic acid,no,yes (only M),↓ inflammation and oxidative stress Green tea extract,no,yes (only F),↓ oxidative stress 17α-Estradiol (non-feminizing estrogen),no,yes (only M),? non-genomic actions Methylene Blue,no,yes (only F),↑ mitochondrial function Metoprolol,no,yes (in M),↓ β-adrenergic receptor signaling Nebivolol,no,yes (in M),↓ β-adrenergic receptor signaling