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Qualitative methods II: minding the gap

Davies, G; Dwyer, C; (2008) Qualitative methods II: minding the gap. Progress in Human Geography , 32 (3) pp. 399-406. 10.1177/0309132507084403. Green open access

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In our last review we drew together work exploring interactions between the performativity of research practices and the spaces of qualitative research (Davies and Dwyer, 2007). In this, we focus on the oscillating political subjectivities mobilized in research by human geographers and other qualitative researchers. In many ways this draws on a similar body of conceptual work; one characterized here as an unsettled dialogue between a recognition of relationality in social science methods and some provocations from psychoanalytic insights. However, our emphasis is on different arenas of geographical research. We look instead to the research practices of geographers working in a variety of public, policy and political domains, to trace their engagements and achievements with different ways of articulating ‘publics’, whether participatory, deliberative, oratorical or computational. These are issues we have been dealing with in our own research on deliberative processes (Davies and Burgess, 2004; Davies, 2006) and education, ethnicity and social capital (Shah, 2006; Dwyer et al., forthcoming), and they are raising methodological questions in human geography research and beyond. What follows is organized around identifi cation and discussion of a series of gaps this questioning has opened up – of the gaps between research context and policy application, between different enactments of public geographies, between articulation and silence, and between deliberation and calculation – within the multiple settings in which qualitative researchers are engaged.

Type: Article
Title: Qualitative methods II: minding the gap
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
DOI: 10.1177/0309132507084403
Publisher version: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0309132507084403
Language: English
Keywords: Participatory action research, public geographies, gis, reflections, policy, science, subjectivities, articulation, governance, knowledge.
UCL classification: UCL
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL SLASH
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL SLASH > Faculty of S&HS
URI: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1457517
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